Although there are downsides to playing video games, there are many surprising benefits, too. Video games can help children develop skills and create social connections. Children who play video games are usually very imaginative. Some of the benefits derived from playing video games are given below.
- Visual-Spatial Skills
Some games — like Minecraft — are set in virtual 3D environments that children must travel through. And there is no GPS or mobile map program to take the lead. The effect is that children playing such games can improve their visual-spatial skills. It can contribute to a deeper understanding of space and distance.
- Reading
It was realized that children that always play video games have a higher probability of developing reading skills. This is attributed to the fact that kids have to read a bunch of instructions before getting acquainted with the right way of playing video games. Kids who are reluctant to open a traditional book may rush to read a website or internet forum to get the latest on their favorite game.
- Problem-Solving
It’s a puzzle at the heart of any video game. Some games, like the Space Invaders, can be senseless. Yet many others — from puzzles and mysteries to running simulated communities or empires — offer the ability for children to tackle a problem and try to find a solution.
Some experts (such as refurb) say children playing these video games are getting better in three areas: planning, coordination, and flexible thinking. Yet on that, don’t get too excited. It’s not clear if these problem-solving skills in games are translating into everyday life. And no evidence games known as “train the brain” will improve the real-world skills.
- Social Connections
Many kids have difficulty fitting in and making real-life friends. Video games will provide them with a place and find others to communicate in a meaningful way. Games give virtual playdates with true-life mates in our busy lives.
Video games also offer something for children to think about at school. Games are a common discussion subject for children these days, just as sports and music are. An interest in games will support children who have difficulty coming up with things to talk about.
On the other side, children who struggle socially in real life can also experience online trouble. Learn how online video games can play this out in multiplayer.
- Imaginative Play and Creativity
There’s plenty of room for imaginative play when children are young, from LEGOs to make-believe dolls. Yet, at times, culture frowns on the play for tweens and teenagers. Video games offer the children an opportunity to continue their imaginative play.
There is also some evidence that games are promoting innovative thinking. For one test, gamers aged 12 were asked to draw, tell stories, ask questions, and forecast. They all displayed high levels of imagination and curiosity.
Video games provide an incentive for older children to pursue their creative play. Children will get more practice in reading with video games. The gaming industry is growing, and interest in your child could spark a career. For more reviews on the benefits of video games, check Norskeanmeldelser or any other reviews site.